Rep. Michele Bachmann, who within the latest Iowa poll is during a virtual tie with Mitt Romney, used her first TV ad the opposite day to promise that she is going to under no circumstances vote to lift the debt ceiling, so setting the ideological bar that much higher for the remainder of the presidential field
Time Sex Moves: Bachmann Signs Anti-Porn, Anti-Sharia Pledge
Bachmann Signs Anti-Porn, Anti-Sharia Pledge
Rep. Michele Bachmann, who within the latest Iowa poll is during a virtual tie with Mitt Romney, used her first TV ad the opposite day to promise that she is going to under no circumstances vote to lift the debt ceiling, so setting the ideological bar that much higher for the remainder of the presidential field
Rep. Michele Bachmann, who within the latest Iowa poll is during a virtual tie with Mitt Romney, used her first TV ad the opposite day to promise that she is going to under no circumstances vote to lift the debt ceiling, so setting the ideological bar that much higher for the remainder of the presidential field