Time Sex Moves: How to Get a Girl to Have Sex With You



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How to Get a Girl to Have Sex With You

We can dress it up anyway we like, but life for most men is a constant struggle to get women to have sex with them. Evidence of this comes from the way in which we would all drop anything at a moment's notice if there was a chance of sex. For instance, imagine that you were working on a very important project for work that had to be in tomorrow when in walked your girlfriend in stockings, stiletto heels and made up to the nines. There's no way that any man wouldn't be willing to work late into the night to make up for an impromptu break. Likewise, imagine an important game is on in your chosen sport when your girlfriend starts massaging your groin and moaning sensually... suddenly that game is likely to become a lot less interesting.

How sad it is then, that for many of us sex is rare and fleeting when it does occur. We spend a lot of time flaunting our wares like some kind of peacock but in many cases girls turn a blind eye to our antics. Either they aren't interested at all, or they don't feel ready for sex. Or maybe you're in a sexual relationship with the girl of your dreams but she just doesn't seem to want to go ahead with the sex quite as often as you do... If only you could get a girl to have sex with you...

Unfortunately there is no way you can make a girl have sex with you that's technically legal. Even in Aladdin it's revealed that the Genie can't make a person fall in love with you – and it's presumed most likely that he can't get someone to have sex with you either.

Attracting Women

Okay, so you can't guarantee sex by any means, but there certainly are ways you can improve your chances which we will look at here. Of course before you can get a girl to have sex with you you first need to be able to attract her affections. Even if you're not going to date this girl you at least need to somehow 'pull her' and you'll have to get to first base before the others become a possibility.

You can try and do this with a single friend. Pulling a friend is a complicated procedure and potentially fraught with difficulties and emotional issues – will you ruin your friendship etc etc. However it is also a fairly promising route to go down and you know you already get on. Start inviting her round to yours on her own rather than with friends (in such a way that it's not suspicious). Increase the regularity of this occurrence and then do other things too such as dates, and generally start to get to a place where you are almost dating but not officially. Then all you need to do is to go out drinking together/open up to her and you can likely cross that line into a relationship. From there it's only a matter of time until you are likely to have sex.

If you do not already know the girls then a bar is the best place to go to pull (bars with dancing). Glance around the bar while you stand with friends and look for women you like the look of (and aim within your league). Make eye contact and smile if you see one you like (don't glance away) so that you are telling her with your eyes that you are interested. If she's interested too she'll come over and maybe bring some friends. At this point chat normally and don't put too much importance on this as there are other fish in the sea if it goes badly. Chat to her friends equally and you'll be seen as fun and non-predatory.

Take her to one side when you're happy you've done the ground work and have a more private chat. At the point you feel things are going well, offer to buy her a drink (placing one hand on the small of her back as you do to tell her this is more than just a friendly drink). If she accepts she's basically telling you she's interested (or cheap). Once she's finished ask if she'd like to dance and from there move gradually closer until you're in snogging position (as soon as you've entered her personal space it's a given). A quicker version of this plan is to meet girls on the dance floor and to use the eye contact and smile technique to bring them over. You can then just start 'grinding' although this is something of a lucky dip and less likely to go well as a result...

The best way to meet people though really if it's a relationship (and thus regular sex) you're after, is to meet people through friends. This way you know you have something in common and they have essentially been 'vetoed' by your friends who have given them the green light. Some amount of similarity is practically a given.

To pull a friend of a friend use the bar technique when you are out together. Be your most charming and make sure that you are the life and soul of the gathering, and then once you all head out you can section the girl off and offer to get her a drink – from here it's the same strategy as before.

Sealing the Deal

Now at this point you have 'something going on'. In many cases you will find your encounter leads to sex right away and to make this a reality you just need to invite them back to yours (having a place of your own is important). Alternatively you might follow up with a date – there's nothing wrong with an 'old fashioned date' and most girls will very much appreciate this old fashioned chivalry. Invite them back for coffee afterwards and that will often have the subtext of 'sex' (coffee shops however are not brothels). As a rule you can expect sex to come on the third date if it hasn't come on the first night, but women are all different. Try and assess what type of girl you are dating and use this to anticipate when and how sex will come.

If you're in a relationship that's been lasting a while though and you're not happy about how your sex life is going then you can follow some of the following tips below.


• Dressing and looking good is important for both the pulling stage and the sex stage. You'd be surprised what a difference the right clothes make (just think about how it affects which girls you fancy in the clubs). If you're a fashion disaster then get help from someone who knows what they're doing. You should also look clean and up together.

• Act confident through not having anything to prove. Don't go about bragging and making yourself out to be king. Much better is to just be fun and entertaining and most importantly – yourself.

• Having a) your own place and b) a nicely decorated place is very important. Clean away mould etc as if you don't you'll find that your invited girl feels dirty and unhygienic rather than sexy.

• Forget things like aphrodisiacs – they might work 'technically' but the effect is so mild as to not have any real use.

• Think about romance – women respond more to romance than physicality so set some mood lighting and rig your pad up to be romantic in this way (a star projector is a great addition).

• Make sure that your girl feels sexy – women don't want to have sex unless they're really feeling it. So buy her nice clothes, shower her in compliments, and dim the lighting if that helps her to relax.

• Don't expect anything and let her take charge – while men are indifferent, women are not a fan of sex that feels forced or unromantic.

• Once you're in a longer relationship, there are many excuses you can use for sex. One great one is to offer her erotic massages for her birthday (as a voucher for instance) and this will almost always turn into sex. Buy her a Karma Sutra, or tell her about something you read. This gives you a great 'excuse' for sex.

• Trying new things in general is an important way to keep the sex fresh and fun – don't be afraid to experiment and make sure she tells you of any unfulfilled desires of her own.

• Make it great for her – that is make sure that you are a giver in the bedroom and then she will likely want to go again (and by giving favours she may feel indebted).

• Help her de-stress and she will be more likely to relax. If she has to do some packing tonight for instance – help her to pack so it's finished and not hanging over her head. This is another example of how psychological sex can be for a woman.

• Don't make it 'drag on' too long. Many men are under the false impression that good sex should last hours, when in fact it's better for most men & women if it's relatively brief but passionate. This way it also takes up less of the day meaning it doesn't represent such a big investment of time.

• Compliment her during sex and make sure that she knows how much you appreciate it. Let her think/know that she is amazing in the sack as we all enjoy things we're good at.

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