Newest album speak now five times Platinum had six hits and won small enough for its no wonder singer crew Stadium is unnerved, Swift played his album finally succeed?
"My Federation about the future." What should be my next step. Then this must be the step. As this support. How: develop, "she says in the February issue of Vogue."
The next album, talk about the fact that Swift packaged Tour.
While the term currently only admitted that the inspiration for his new record of past relationships.
"It is just this avant-garde, not recent, but absolute failure and burning pain," Swift reveals to Vogue, "and it is perhaps this which talks about the next album."
Taylor Swift has already been linked to Jake Gyllenhaal, John Mayer, Taylor Lautner and Joe Jonas.
SWIFT explains the development of its lyricism and the advancement of a record of a personal nature: "the only way we can better ourselves, to pull itself out of a horrible pain to lose someone who has to write some songs for clarity."